Lead Hogs In-Hall

Your Residence Hall

Meet with the Lead Hogs in your building(s) for community building and leadership development!

On-Campus Student Jobs Fair

Union Connections Lounge

Are you a student looking for an on-campus job for the 2022-2023 academic year? On Tuesday, August 30, 2022 from 1pm-3pm, the University Career Development Center will partner with Human Resources and New Student & Family Programs to host the On-Campus Student Jobs Fair in the Arkansas Union International Connections Lounge. This fair is for […]

Understanding the Honors Curriculum Date and Time


This workshop will help you navigate the honors course process and understand terms like “honors program,” “Honors College,” “colloquium,” and “signature seminar.”   https://uark.zoom.us/j/9281037203?pwd=VmRKNXZNaWNyTzRGQkUyN2F1eHlWQT09 Meeting ID: 928 103 7203

Black Student Welcome

Union Ballroom

The Black Student Welcome is an annual event designed to bring Black Students together and network with Black Faculty and Staff.

Bullet Journaling

Arkansas Union North Terrace 435 N. Garland Ave. , Fayetteville, AR, United States

Come get a free bullet journal and get organized for the semester!

Kona & Crafts with Lead Team!

Union Mall

Join NSFP Lead Team for an afternoon break from the heat with FREE Kona snowcones, paint a canvas for your room, and play some yard games!