Honors Coffee Cart

Hotz Hall 1175 W. Cleveland St., Fayetteville, Arkansas

Meet Honors Futures Hub Staff and have a coffee and snack on us! Look for the coffee cart across campus in future weeks!

Bumpers Bash!

Maudine Sanders Student Plaza and Garden, Hawkins Family Terrace, and in the AFLS Atrium

This is a welcome to Bumpers College event that highlights involvement (Club/RSO) opportunities for undergraduate students. Freebies, snacks, ice cream, and games will be available at the Maudine Sanders Student Plaza and Garden, Hawkins Family Terrace, and in the AFLS Atrium Thursday August 25th 11-3pm.

Pro Tips: Getting What You Need from Faculty


Learn how to make the most of email and meetings to build relationships with faculty members in this half-hour workshop with Dr. John Treat. https://uark.zoom.us/j/9281037203?pwd=VmRKNXZNaWNyTzRGQkUyN2F1eHlWQT09 Meeting ID: 928 103 7203 Passcode: Honors#1

Tsa La Gi Bike Park Grand Opening

Tsa La Gi Bike Park

Free Food. Free T-Shirts. Live Music from DJ Girlfriend. This event is celebrating the grand opening of the bike park located on campus. Starting with opening remarks from groups who have seen this project into fruition, followed by open ride time, and capped off with a jump jam. We will have the UREC Outdoors fleet […]

3v3 Ultimate Frisbee Tournament

UREC Sports Complex

  All students are welcome to join the Arkansas Men's Ultimate Frisbee Team in a 3v3 Ultimate Frisbee Tournament on Thursday, August 25th, 5-7 PM. Please bring athletic shoes/cleats and water. Format: Each team will play pool play rounds followed by a single-elimination bracket play based on seeding. Rounds are hard-capped at 30 minutes or […]

Shrek & S’mores Night With Lead Team!

Chi Omega Greek Theater

Join the NSFP Lead Team for a FREE viewing of Shrek complete with a make your own s'mores bar with an assortment of candy options! Check-in starts at 9 with the movie starting at 9:30 at the Greek Theatre. Bring a blanket or chair to sit on if you'd like!