Razorback Reboot –  Dale Bumpers College of Agricultural, Food and Life Sciences

Poultry Science Building (POSC A211 )

Bumper’s Razorback Reboot will connect all students with the resources and opportunities they did not have the opportunity to learn about because of last year’s virtual environment. Academic RSOs, professors, advisors, and other vital resources will be there to provide information and answer any questions. This is your chance to find your place on campus, […]

Razorback Reboot – College of Engineering

Bell Engineering (Room 2282)

The College of Engineering’s Razorback Reboot will connect all students with the resources and opportunities they did not have the opportunity to learn about because of last year’s virtual environment. Academic RSOs, professors, advisors, and other vital resources will be there to provide information and answer any questions. This is your chance to find your […]

Hill-ish Cultural Fair

Union Mall

The Division of Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion and the Diversity and Inclusion Student Council are hosting a cultural fair on September 1st, 2021 from 6 pm-10 pm! The Hill-ish Cultural. Fair is a fair for students to meet campus offices, departments, and registered student organizations (RSOs), an amazing way to kick off DEI Month! The […]

OSA Movie Night: The Proposal

Union Connections Lounge

Join University Programs and watch the movie, The Proposal. Snacks and drinks will be provided.  HogSync Link: https://hogsync.uark.edu/event/7175472 

Introduction to Honors College Futures Hub

Register Online

Join us to hear about all the aspects of the honors experience and resources to support you during your time here. Great for honors students and those considering honors.   HogSync Link: https://hogsync.uark.edu/event/7169529  Join Zoom Meeting: https://uark.zoom.us/j/84504923938?pwd=VG9pYW8rVlB2RjlJNU1WY0MzQlVEUT09 Meeting ID: 845 0492 3938 Passcode: Honors#1

Fall Concert: Dayglow

Chi Omega Greek Theater

Join University Programs and Headliners Concert Committee and watch Dayglow perform a free concert.  Don't miss your chance to see "Can I Call You Tonight" live in person.