University Baptist Church Ice Cream Social

Come join us at the sidewalk by the Greek Theater, on Tuesday, August 25th, from 7pm-8pm, for FREE Blue Bell ice cream and fellowship! This will be a great opportunity to meet those in our college ministry and for new students to meet fellow new students. Due to COVID-19 restrictions, masks and social distancing are […]

Madden Tournament

Founders Hall 255 N. McIlroy Ave., Fayetteville, AR, United States

The event winner will receive a free copy of Madden 21. This event is by RSVP only here:  

University Programs Virtual Fall Concert

Enjoy this virtual concert featuring Ashe. Watch Online one of three ways: UP’s Facebook: @UniveristyPrograms UP’s Twitter: @UParkansas Up’s YouTube page

Chat With the Dean

Join us for a weekly open discussion hour with Honors College Dean Lynda Coon. Take a break and chat about anything and everything! Zoom Link Coming Soon

Floral Arrangement Class

North Terrace of the Union 435 North Garland, Fayetteville, AR, United States

Join University Programs and make and take your own fresh flower arrangement. We will be having in person classes on the North Terrace of the Union (outside the Connections Lounge) at 5, 6, and 7 pm. RSVP'ing to one of the classes is required, and spaces are limited in each class to reach social distancing […]

Movie Night with UP: Hunger Games

Join University Programs and watch the First Hunger Games Movie.  We will be showing each of the movies this semester and you can be entered in to win a prize if you attend all four movies. Join us on Wednesday, August 26 at 6p in the Union Theatre for the first of this movie series!